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We are always happy to welcome new partners who want to sell BlueSpice to their customers and offer complementary services. If you want to provide the only true open source enterprise wiki to as many customers as possible and are also interested in earning a steady income, take a look at our partner program. This is aimed specifically at companies that are already established on the market as resellers or IT solution providers.
You can add BlueSpice free to your hosting program at any time, free of charge and without limits.
And for the hosting of BlueSpice pro and BlueSpice farm by IT system houses, IT service providers and other IT service providers, we have created a solid basis for a lasting and legally secure cooperation with our subscription agreement and our partner program. We will be happy to inform you about the conditions that are important for you.
Only the cloud hosting of BlueSpice pro and farm is exclusive: We offer these cloud services ourselves at Hallo Welt! or we license cloud hosting for special alliance partners; for example in countries outside the DACH region (Germany-Austria-Switzerland).
Just contact us and we will find your ideal solution for a lucrative future with satisfied customers.