NIKKUS Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH
“The wiki is part of our corporate culture”
At the time of its expansion, the Berlin based event management company “NIKKUS” introduced a BlueSpice MediaWiki in 2012. Among other things the central knowledge base features central questions about the company, process flows and tips and tricks for new staff members. The wiki enjoys a high level of acceptance among employees and saves a lot of precious time.
“Shutting down our wiki? Just over my dead body,”says Florentine Ulner and laughs.
As head of marketing at NIKKUS, Ulner is responsible for knowledge management. She describes herself as a generalist and the MediaWiki launched in 2012 as “one of my fellow babies”.
NIKKUS has been successful in the event business for 17 years. At locations in Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg and Leipzig, around 40 employees take care of the technical equipment for conferences, galas and award ceremonies, balls and trade fairs. Customers include television stations, well-known companies and NGOs.
Wiki request from employees and management
Around 2011, the expansion of NIKKUS picked up speed. “The order situation has really exploded.” Employees and management quickly agreed: We need a primary location to store company knowledge so that the employees don’t have to ask each other similar questions over and over. It was clear from the very beginning that a MediaWiki seemed to be the right solution. When looking for a professional provider, they quickly decided on a BlueSpice MediaWiki by Hallo Welt! GmbH.
“Together with Hallo Welt! two colleagues at Nikkus started with BlueSpice free, the free version of the enterprise wiki software,” says Ulner. “As we have expanded our needs regarding the wiki have also grown. That’s why we will soon upgrade to BlueSpice pro 3.”

Leisure, Culture, Entertainment
Service company
Berlin, Germany
Development of a central knowledge base
Use case
Process management, knowledge management
+49 (0) 30 300 9607 0
NIKKUS Veranstaltungstechnik is the strategic ally for hotels, event organisers, locations and event agencies.
In Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig and Munich we are there for you and master event technology for corporate events, conferences, galas, meetings, congresses, trade fairs and shows. We offer location services, preferred partnerships, exclusive partnerships and system integration
Your stage is our passion! We take every order personally and plan, install and network until everything is just right. You always have the good feeling that everything is running smoothly – and can relax. We are your partner for aesthetically sophisticated, well thought-out and budget-compliant event solutions.
What are central advantages of the NIKKUS corporate wiki?
On the one hand, all processes – from the warehouse to scheduling and sales – are stored in the wiki. New employees in particular will find answers to questions like: Is there a beamer at the event location and, if so, which one? Where is the access road to the event location? Where can you find a parking lot for delivery? On top of that we provide information on technical equipment, field reports and tips and tricks for problems. Plus, you will find lots of general information. For instance, which expenses have to be documented and how, including a link and instructions for filling out the relevant form.

Picture: BlueSpice pro in use at Nikkus
Work processes considerably streamlined
“Under the category ‘New at Nikkus’ we provide trainees and newcomers to our company with the most important basic information. There are templates for all kinds of letters, information about our company network or even about how to behave correctly on the phone,” explains Ulner.
In a nutshell: All employees at all locations have all the latest knowledge at their fingertips – regardless of whether the boss or the responsible employee is currently available or not. BlueSpice is completely responsive and therefore available for all employees on the move.
“I don’t even want to speculate about the telephone costs and mails we’ve already saved through BlueSpice,” says Ulner. The training period for employees is also shortened enormously and all work processes are considerably streamlined. The acceptance at NIKKUS is high. “BlueSpice is part of our corporate culture”.
Transparency is well received
An important success factor is that BlueSpice was introduced immediately when the need for it arose – in close coordination between management and employees. Flat hierarchies have proven their worth with regard to writing rights. Apart from the HR section, everyone is allowed to read and write. “This transparency is well received.”
Every new employee runs a small training course at Florentine Ulner beforehand. “The effort is manageable. The system is relatively self-explanatory. Only occasionally the editor or some add ons lead to questions. In case of a doubt I get a call. That’s no big deal.” The success: “Meanwhile we have a faithful writing team, with some members being wiki gardeners with extended rights”.
Ulner is particularly satisfied with the uncomplicated cooperation with Hallo Welt! GmbH. In case of technical problems, help is uncomplicated. There is a “you” relationship with many employees. An annual highlight is the well established Come Together with other BlueSpice customers. “There – in a relaxed environment – you can collect ideas and inspiration and see what’s possible in other enterprise wikis.”
From external trainings to own multipliers
Depending on requirements and requests by the individual departments there were several training courses from Hallo Welt! in the initial phase of the introduction. Target audience: administrators and technical editors on the one hand, for the broad field of consuming users on the other hand.
“Meanwhile, however, we mainly rely on our own multipliers in the company who pass on their knowledge,” says Nawratil, who himself conducts employee training courses at regular intervals. Only the BlueSpice user manual is continuously supervised by Hallo Welt!.
Currently the update to BlueSpice 3 is pending. “We have also discussed whether we should extend the release procedure a little and introduce a four-eyes principle. However, Nawratil says that this is still under discussion. The beauty of the system is its adaptability. “You don’t have to take anything as it is, but you can adapt it to your individual needs. In that respect the cooperation with Hallo Welt! is uncomplicated and smooth.” (sa – 05/2019)
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