BlueSpice Product Days 2023

May 10 to 11, 2023

The central event for all our customers and everyone interested in BlueSpice. We are looking forward to meet you!

Join us at the virtual BlueSpice Product Days 2023 on May 10 and 11.
Look forward to lively knowledge exchange around BlueSpice as well as old and new acquaintances from the wiki world!

In connection with our release of BlueSpice 4.3, we will present new features and insights for developers and technology fans.

Let’s wiki together!

In order to gather our knowledge and offer you as much information as possible, our Product Days will take place only in English this year. This way, all participants can benefit from our contributions and get the same amount of information.

To optimize communication, we are once again using the online live event platform hopin. It offers many opportunities for interaction and is extremely user-friendly.

Have a look at our great agenda:

Please note: The times given here are in Central European Summer Time (CEST | UTC+2).
Find your correct time for your time zone here

10. Mai | Agile Organisationen und Wikis

09.00 Uhr Opening day 1 and good morning coffee
Eva Vogel | Hallo Welt! GmbH
09.15 Uhr How do I structure my IT documentation so that users can quickly find their way around?
Richard Heigl | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
10.00 Uhr Knowledge Transfer – If companies knew what they know …
Silvia Schorta | Wissen im Wandel
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
10.30 Uhr Open discussion and questions
11.00 Uhr Integrated development environments in the public sector and beyond
Dustin Wittberg | Cloudogu GmbH
11.45 Uhr Flashlight: New articles, upcoming webinars and “BlueSpice Customer Workshop”
Richard Heigl | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)

13.30 Uhr “Secure Wiki”: Page verification with hash chains
Tim Bansemer | assets GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
14.15 Uhr Work agilely and comply with standards. How this works and what’s required from a knowledge base.
Christine Luzolo | CLBS
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
15.00 Uhr Open discussion
15.30 Uhr Change and long-term memory: the role of tools and the right methods
Mike Carstensen | generativ GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
16.15 Uhr Wiki and AI – A beneficial connection?
Markus Glaser | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
17.00 Uhr Wrap-up

11. Mai | Produkt und Technik

09.00 Uhr Opening day 2 and good morning coffee
Eva Vogel | Hallo Welt! GmbH
09.15 Uhr BlueSpice 4.3: The new product features

  • Compatibility with MediaWiki 1.39 LTS and PHP 8.x
  • Enrich pages via ContentDroplets
  • Create hierarchical navigations using the advanced Navigation Menu Editor
  • A new page sharing engine: ContentStabilisation

Verena Hösl | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)

10.00 Uhr BlueSpice 4.x: A look at the roadmap
Learn more about planned improvements and new features
Robert Vogel | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
10.45 Uhr Open discussion and questions:
What’s missing from the roadmap? What has priority? Do you have any influence on the roadmap?
11.30 Uhr New templates for your knowledge base
Margit Link-Rodrigue | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
13.30 Uhr Unboxing Cloud: How we organize continuity and security in the BlueSpice Cloud
Markus Glaser | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
14.15 Uhr Real-time editing. State of the development, use cases and challenges
Robert Vogel | Hallo Welt! GmbH
>>> Download the presentation (PDF)
15.00 Uhr Open discussion and questions:
Daily work with Wikis and Google Docs
15.30 Uhr — tbd —
16.00 Uhr Wrap-up and farewell

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